Tuesday, 22 November 2011

A bit better around visitors

Not much new to report, we've not been able to take the boys for a good, long woodland walk for a few weeks, which is a shame, although last weekend we took them up to my mum's in Manchester. Their behaviour there was noticably better regarding not jumping up at her - she's not had dogs, and remembers not to pat them or respond to them if they jump up at her. On this trip though there was very little of that behaviour at all, which is a good thing.
We also took them for a walk in the fields behind her house, and let them off to run about. They both came back when called, Mishka actually a little better than Jackson this time, but then he seems to have a stronger liking for the liver cake!
We still haven't let either of them off the lead near other dogs, the right situation hasn't really arisen. It nearly did a couple of days ago, I was with them in the little park where I've been letting them off recently, and there was a woman playing fetch with her jack russell. I let the boys say hello (on the lead) and all was good, and it would have been a perfect chance to let at least Jackson off and see what happened, but this one the one occasion when I'd not brought the liver cake with me, and I want to be consistent in when and how I use it. So I chose not to let either of them off this time.. ho hum, there's always next time.